The district of Palghar has once again become witness to another attack on Hindu sadhus. In an early morning incident, three unidentified men, who were also armed forced themselves into Jagrut Mahadev Mandir and Ashram at Balivali in Vasai taluka, an official said.
The three unidentified assailants then went on and attacked the temple’s head priest Sankaranand Saraswati and his assistant, after which they made their way with valuables amounting to Rs 6800.
An offence has been registered under section 394 (causing hurt while committing robbery) and other relevant provisions of the Indian Penal Code, the station house officer of Virar police station said.
This is second incident from Palghar that has come to light, where Hindu sadhus and priests have been attacked. In another incident, two Hindus sadhus and a driver were brutally lynched by a mob of 150 people. The lawyer who was fighting the case from the side of sadhus has also died mysteriously in a car accident. This incident again brings to light the failure of the Maharashtra government in ensuring law and order in their state.
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